The pirate Cock: Hear me out loud , hen, chicks and my fellow cocks, the wonderful occasion of humanity is near the corner, and our lives is at the edge of doom, they will spill our blood red and in pieces would be the bits of our parts, last time, our grandfathers and our grandmothers loathed the heinous massacre of our population, and decided to bargain with the human peoples so as not to kill us unnecessarily or even if it would be, let there be reasons attached, the year they let it out was the year all their generations were butchered, because of the so called occassion, of which I cannot tell, I am afraid that the occassion is round the corner of the year as of now, 7 relatives were held captives in the hands of the beasty humans, when the humans were selective in giving the 7 relatives feed, I thought they were doing favouritism , because the 7relatives were fat to behold but now they were barricaded in a giant room and the days is counted, I saw them counting their fingers and putting up a place where to draw their knives across the throat of our 7 relatives, as it stands now, check out yourselves to know your sizes, if you added much weight and height like I am, then you are not far from our grandfather's and mother's journey, if your wattles and combs is as red, and big as mine then prepare to loose your whole because I overhead the children telling their dad that the cocks with the biggest and blood red combs as well as wattles would be their most desired cock to be slaughtered.
Pirate Hen:entered with fury to support her man that spoke with disappointments...
Pirate cock: oh my hen, thanks for your effort but humans are more than what you suppose, last time I used my beak on their children and I was almost killed with a stone, my hen, you don't have to worry about yourself, they don't plan to kill you but all these eggs you are laying would be seized. In fire it shall be set and and the yolk of our would- be chicks would be devoured by their carefree sons and daughters, right now my rage is like a wild fire unquenched,hence I will war with humanity .....and let the die be cast!
Pirate hen: wailed, don't go please! I don't want my company cock to die, how can I see your dancing steps again or even your bright coloured sickle feathers, or your manly echoing voice every morning or even the vulgar cocks that you chased and kept at arms length from me, now I will be ruined for life, please don't leave me!
Pirate cock(from a distance): please don't do that, that is what our fate has brought and hence it is irrevocable, please be calm, just be with any cock you wish, for our lives cocks is as volatile as petrol, good bye and don't ask about my whereabouts because I might have ended up in their Christmas pot, or even you eating my remains thinking you have gotten some remains to eat , once again and never after that; let the die be cast.......He dashed into the terrain of human people to pay off the old scores. His dash into the human terrain does not call an end to the Christmas joke but a continuation towards revolt to humanity. You can enjoy the continuation by reading Christmas Joke 2: Building Alliance From Brotherhoodxm
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